Batman Jigsaw Puzzle, from Golden (Western Publishing). From 1992...the time of the GREAT animated series which breathed life back into the old bat on the small screen...Fox's "The Adventures of Batman and Robin". Here is a very modernist/expressionist painting of Batman with a skewed perspective background straight out of "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari"! The Caped Crusader looks mighty grim as he strikes his pose...pondering the pursuit The Riddler or Joker or Penguin, going to the effort of catching them, turning them into Commissioner Gordon, having them enter the prison system to be "rehabilitated"...only to have them released again in a few months to cause more mayhem!! A vicious, vicious cycle. Holy recidivism! Oh, the difficult life of a Superhero. Heavy hangs the Cape and Cowl. Anyway, this kids' jigsaw puzzle is MINT, UNOPENED. Out of production. Puzzle is of the "frame tray" type that Golden popularized. Only one in stock.