Monsters Unleashed! #7, by Marvel, a magazine-format comic from August 1974, featuring "Werewolf by Night" and "Frankenstein Monster" tales among others. This short-lived "Bronze Age" Marvel title was known for its horrific stories with twist endings, by some of the finest writers and artists in their stable...Doug Moench, Val Mayerik, Vincente Alcazar and Gerry Conway to name a few. This copy is in excellent condition and is a must-have for Marvel true-believers! There's also a great ad for prints of the artwork used each week on Rod Serling's "Night Gallery" TV Mr. Pop Top wishes he had bought them at the time! Oh well. Be sure not to miss this terrific example of Marvel's horror mags from the 70's. Magazine size 8 1/2" x 11". Only one in stock.