Terminator 2 Collector Cards Box Set, by Impel. From 1991...this is a great FACTORY-SEALED, UNOPENED display-box set of these long out-of-production collector cards from the sci-fi epic, "Terminator 2: Judgement Day". This set contains 36 packs of MINT T2 cards, including 12 Movie Cards and 1 Offer Card...mostly depicting action poses of the future Governor of "Coll-ee-forn-ya" in the days before he terminated "Gway Davis". (Don't get Mr. Pop Top wrong; I am a huge Arnold Schwarzenegger fan...just haveenk a leetle fun, here, mit de oxcent und evwey-ting!) That's right...it's the GOVERNATOR! Honestly, you will have a hard time finding an unopened box set of these cards in this pristeen condition (box is shrink-wrapped C-10 quality). Nutting heahr has met mit de bending or de mootilating. Don't be a girly man...peek up dis gweat set before it ees TERMINATED by anudder cuwector!!