Doc Savage #7, by Marvel. This issue, MINT, from October of 1973...that's a long time ago, Poptoppers! Nixon was still President (but just barely, as he would resign because of the Watergate scandal less than a year later)...Vice President Agnew was resigning...the Vietnam War droned on in the conflict's last days...it was a dicey time in American history, to say the least. What better way to escape than to read "Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze"!! Here is a classic issue of DS with art by Ross Andru and Frank Springer. This Marvel run was an action-packed update of the character made famous in 1930's pulp magazines written by Lester Dent. The cover on this one is typical Marvel bombast of the day, with the usual spread-legged, musclebound hero grimacing at the villain...in this case, a drooling, shirtless werewolf! Eeek! The story within is "The Brand of the Werewolf", and adaptation of a Kenneth Robeson Doc Savage book from 1934. Anyway, great Marvel mayhem, preserved for your collecting pleasure by yours truly, Mr. Pop Top. Only one in stock.