Fiction Illustrated Vol.3 "Chandler", from 1976. Here is a rare one, Poptoppers...acknowledged to be the FIRST GRAPHIC NOVEL published in the U.S., Jim Steranko's "Chandler". This copy is in MINT condition, spine still unbent, crisp edged, just as if it were still 1976 outside (look out of the window...it isn't). Fiction Illustrated was an experimental venture that mixed comics with reading; it only lasted 4 issues as sales were less than stellar. It wasn't because of "quality" by any means, it was that retailers did not know what to do with these digest-sized "visual novels", so they ended up dropping down into the larger magazine bins, unseen, or -worse yet- placed alongside of other "digests" such as "Archie and Jughead" or "Jet" Magazine! Totally and completely mismarketed, these graphic novels were years ahead of their time. As to this one, I only have to mention one name...JIM STERANKO. A living legend, Steranko himself not only drew this hard-boiled detective masterpiece, but wrote it and colored it himself. Chandler was his baby and he expected great things from it. Alas, it was not to be. After the debacle of marketing that became Vol.3, Steranko was hired by Penthouse magazine to come up with a serialized version of "Chandler" to be nestled between their pages dripping in vaseline-lensed girly spreads and sexy self-help fantasies. Before this project could get underway, however, the editor of Penthouse who had brainstormed the "Chandler" project left the magazine...Steranko was paid for his efforts, and it never saw the light of day. Fast forward to today...graphic novels are now commonplace...here you have a chance to acquire this INVESTMENT-GRADE copy of the FIRST U.S. "Visual Novel" for adults...Jim Steranko's "Chandler"!! Only one in stock.