Horror Tales Vol. 6 #4, by Eerie Publications. One of the legendary lurid magazine-size horror titles from Eerie's lower-end line...run by the infamous Fass brothers, Irving and Myron. From August of 1974 comes this phenomenally horrible magazine...HORROR TALES!!! Starting with the no-holds-barred cover, blood drips from every page of this kitschy gem, with the stories "The Vampires", "The Broomstick Witch", "The Spirit of Evil", "The Horror Tree", "Experiment in Terror", "The Corpse That Lives", "Claws of Horror" and "The Devil's Girl". This is pure pulp mayhem, written by nameless authors and drawn by nameless artists...but, Poptoppers, this is so bad that it's good! And these "Horror Tales" mags are especially difficult to locate nowadays as they were viewed as quite disposable in 1974. Lucky you...this one is in MINT CONDITION, having been kept in Mr. Pop Top's time capsule away from the ravages of time for, lo, these many years. This one features some great, creepy ads too, including one for a "Zacherly for President" poster! Also Star Trek items for sale as well as Kung Fu and Karate lessons, and the always-reliable Honor House ad with "7 Foot Tall Skeleton", "Throw Your Voice", "Atomic Smoke Bomb", "Trick Black Soap", and the "Secret Spy Scope" with which one can apparently see through bikinis! Not to be missed...you will be hard pressed to find another one of these for sale anywhere else on the internet besides The Pop Top Shop. Only one in stock.