(Sorry, out of stock...SOLD for $75.00) Vintage Godzilla Kaiju "Mecha-Godzilla" from the late 1970's. Highly collectible! Mecha-Godzilla was a robotic Godzilla "double" created by aliens known as Simians...evil ape-men who wished destruction upon planet Earth. He first showed up in "Godzilla vs. Mecha-Godzilla", a 1974 movie thriller where he arrived on Earth covered in a rubber Godzilla suit and wreaked havoc upon Japan masquerading as the real Godzilla. Soon, the real Godzilla appeared and in the ensuing battle Mecha-Godzilla's "suit" was ripped off, exposing him as a robotic imposter! The battle continued in the sequel from 1975, "Terror of Mecha-Godzilla". This jointed vinyl Kaiju toy is in MINT-CONDITION and stands a full 7"-tall! Don't let him amble into someone else's collection! Oops, too late. Out of stock.