Disney's "The Jungle Book" Flunky Monkey Figurine. From 1997 comes this comical Disney figurine, "Monkeying Around". Limited to a production run for only 1997, this collector's figurine was soon retired and has long been unavailable...this one is MINT-IN-BOX and never opened! From the hit film "The Jungle Book" (1967), King Louie (voiced by bandleader Louis Prima) is surrounded by his fertive followers comprised of these characters, the "Flunky Monkeys", keeping their leader cool with banana leaves! A great addition to your Disneyana collection...this figurine is known to be the RAREST in the "Jungle Book" series beacause of its limited production run. "The Jungle Book" was the last Disney feature film that Walt himself had a hand in; he passed away during its production in December 1966. Figurine stands 4 3/4" tall. Only one in stock. "Ooby dooby doo, I wanna be like you-ooo-ooo!"