"Batman Returns" 3-D Board Game, by Parker Brothers. From 1992...based on the megahit movie "Batman Returns"...this game is MINT IN BOX, COMPLETE, UNPLAYED, GAME PIECES STILL ON BOARD and UNPUNCHED. Absolutely perfect, C-10 box with likenesses of Michael Keaton as the Caped Crusader, Danny DeVito as Penguin, and the tasty Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman!! Grrrrowllll!! The game play scenario: "The Penguin, his Penguin Commandos and his Red Triangle Circus Gang will blow up Gotham City unless you help Batman capture the villains and save the day! Move your Batman figures from the city streets above, down into the dark, dank underground. That's where the Penguin lurks in his Arctic World ice cave and where you'll have your final battle with him. But if Catwoman gets in your way, and no one beats the Penguin before he sets off six explosions, HE wins the game and the city falls into his evil hands." Object of the Game: You are trying to collect Villain Chips, and be the first player to reach the underground Arctic World and win you battle with the Penguin. The ultimate winner is the player with Villain Chips worth the most points. Game contents include: Batman Returns Board Game, 4 piece 3-D Gotham City, 4 Batman Figures, Catwoman Mover and Base, and the Penguin Mover and Base, 10 Penguin Commando Chips, 12 Red triangle circus Gang Chips, 6 Explosion Chips, 2 Dice...and instructions. A great way to spend a rainy afternoon. Only one in stock.