Burlesque Show "Hollywood Revels" (1947) from Video Yesteryear. A long-unavailable RARITY...this is a videotape copy of from over 25 years ago of a very unique film: an authentic burlesque show filmed on stage at Los Angeles' Follies Theatre in 1947. This is the real deal, gang, replete with not only lovely young ladies but baggy-pants comedians and plenty of bump-and-grind music from none other than the great Billy Rose! "Hollywood Revels" runs 58 minutes long, and was directed by Duke Goldstone (who later went on to produce and direct "The Liberace Show" on 50's TV). The star ecdysiast is Aleene Dupree (also known as "Kalantan"...the heater) Mary Ellen Tillotson...years before she was the memorable main attraction in Howard Hughes' salty, sandy, swashbuckling 1955 epic "Son of Sinbad". The lovely Ms. Tillotson is billed here as the "Sweetheart of the Follies Bergere" in Paris! Also performing are Lotus Wing, Hillary Dawn and Peggy Bond, a few of the "20 sassy lassies" all of whom are pretty easy on the eye! The comedians include Harry Arne, George Lord and Ray Parsons. This film has not been commercially available for many years and is a true document of an era of entertainment gone by. What was considered risque 60 years ago is pretty tame by today's standards...but that is the true charm of this movie!! This videotape is in perfect condition, having been viewed but once...still in its original packaging from the old Video Yesteryear company. A GREAT piece of naughty nostalgia; a splendid reason to dust off your VCR! Only one in stock.