McDonald's 1995 "Season's Greetings" Plate, by PMC. The Official McDonald's Corporation Christmas plate from 1995, featuring the cheerful likenesses of Ronald McDonald, The Hamburglar, Grimace, and an unexplained duck with pilot's goggles! For several years now McDonald's Restaurants have released a different special, limited-run plate each Christmas season...this one is twenty years old and is LONG unavailable. It is in MINT CONDITION, having never seen a knife or fork! The PMC company of Dallas, Texas did a great job with this Melmac-like plate, nicely painted with a warm scene of a holiday gathering, sure to make visions of hamburgers dance in your head. This year, why not gather your loved ones around to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace while feasting on French Fries, Cokes, and Double Cheeseburgers? Let this stunning plate be your centerpiece. There's no place like Mickey-D's for the Holidays!! Plate is 9 1/2" in diameter. Only one in stock.