Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction #5, by Marvel/Curtis. From September of 1975...that's a long time ago, Poptoppers. "Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction" was one of Marvel's magazine-size titles from the 70's that sometimes strayed into adult territory (which made it all-the-more appealing to a 14-year old boy!) Some of the "science fiction" from then is now "science fact". But, before we get too deep...how can you resist a Puigdomenech cover featuring a nuclear-hot babe in a fur bikini strolling along the lunar landscape, giving you that "come hither" look as she turns her other *cheek*. Oh yeah...she's carrying an axe...and the bloody head of some decapitated astronaut is strung over her shoulder like a Coach bag. Better look somewhere else for that Saturday date! Yowsah. Stories this issue include "Slow Glass Revisited" (Gene Colan artwork!), Bruce Jones' "Paradise Found", "All the Myriad Ways" by the legendary Larry Niven (art by the incomparable Howard Chaykin), "Addict" by Don Glut, "Half-Life" by John Allison, and an interview with the afore-mentioned Hugo-winning Larry Niven. A GREAT collection of mindbending Marvel masterpieces from almost 45 years ago...this copy is VF-NM! Only one in stock.