(Sorry, Out of stock...SOLD for $15.00) Marvel Movie Premiere #1 by Marvel, September 1975. The first...and only...issue of this, ahem, very short-lived title. The movie graphically dramatized is the Edgar Rice Burroughs tale "The Land That Time Forgot". The movie is regarded as a pretty decent escapist fare...it was popular enough at the time to spawn a sequel, "The People That Time Forgot" (both populated by plenty of GEICO cavemen, if one recalls!) This action-packed magazine-sized comic is drawn by Sonny Trinidad, with the story adaptation by the great Marv Wolfman. This is possibly the only comic book that portrays the late, great actor Doug McClure (a favorite of Mr. Pop Top's since his days on TV's "The Virginian"). There are also several pages of photos from the actual movie. If you are a fan of these films this graphic novel is a must-have...it's a bit hard to find these days as the "one-shot" titles such as Marvel Movie Premiere seem to get overlooked in the grand scheme of comic book collecting. This one is in mint condition! Magazine dimensions 11" x 8". Gotta love those big rubber pterodactyls!! Out of stock.