Speed Racer 3-D #1, by Now Publications. A really unique title...in living 3-D! This is the first issue from 1993, as originally bagged complete with its red/green 3-D glasses, UNOPENED, MINT-CONDITION. Speed Racer, originally a 1960's Japanese animated TV series, is now a household name, thanks to the big-budget Hollywood film of 2008. What a unique theme song that show had...kind of a lounge-act rock with a bit of triple-tongueing trumpet work by a Herb Alpert wannabe. "Go Speed Racer!! Go Speed Racer!! Go Speed Racer, go-o-o-o-o!!!" Follow Speed and his friends in this great 3-D comic book, as he drives the powerful Mach 5 from one adventure to the next. A great find, and we currently have 2 in stock. Go Speed Racer!!